Alexis Soto

Alexis Soto

Front Desk


About Coach

I was born and raised in Northern California and ended up in San Antonio through being in the military. I tried my hand at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai as a kid and ended up loving it but I was out of the sport for a while before getting back into it. Growing up, I leaned very heavily towards being an academically inclined child but I always had the desire to be more athletic and go outside my comfort zone.

Turning Point

Throughout childhood and adulthood, I experienced a lot of trials that really tested my mental strength. After going through a tough situation I was at a very low point in life. I had a very hard time deciding what I should do with myself and my life so I decided to enter into a field that I felt could utilize my mental strength. That ended up being MMA and now I train and fight out of Dominion MMA.

Motivation & Passion

I love MMA. I love how much of a mental sport it is and I love how it pushes you to your limits. I hope to help Dominion MMA keep thriving as the growing gym it is while also building a life for myself and my son.

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